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A study creation platform allowing you to quickly create, publish, and disseminate your customized visualization study.

Flexible And Powerful Study Design

ReVISit is designed with researchers from all disciplines in mind. It is simple enough to allow study creators to stand up small questionnaires quickly but powerful enough for creators to implement interactive visualizations for more complex stimuli.

Focus on What Matters

ReVISit allows researchers to focus on the visual stimuli without the hassle of setting up storage, capturing user events, and complicated randomization of studies.

In Depth Analysis

With the Analysis Dashboard, you can preview the results from your study with an easy-to-use UI or download the data directory for use in your analysis platform of choice.

Data Collection

From user inputs to complex events, reVISit handles all data collection in a robust manner. You can then download the data in either JSON or tidy data format.

Disseminate Your Study

With reVISit, it's simple to move from the data collection phase to widely sharing your studies with the public, so reviewers and readers will know exactly what you did!