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Version: v2.1.0


Adding reVISitPy to a python project is simple. If you're using pip, you can do the following:

pip install revisitpy

This will provide you with all the functionality that reVISitPy provides -- including the widget to view your study in a Jupyter notebook.

ReVISit Server

The widget functionality of reVISitPy requires that you have a local copy of reVISit running on port 8080. If you do not have the study repository cloned on your local machine, you can still run a local copy or reVISit directly in python without needing to clone our main repository by using our revisitpy_server package.

pip install revisitpy_server

Once installed, you will be able to serve a local copy of reVISit like so:

import revisitpy_server as rs

process = rs.serve()

Note that this is, by default, serving a copy of reVISit on port 8080. Currently, there are no adjustments in place to change this default port. We intend to allow for more customization in the future.