Data And Deployment
📄️ Connecting to Firebase
reVISit is inherently a serverless program. Because of this, we set up a storage engine in order to store the data that is gathered from users as they move through the study. While you can test the program locally without any storage, you will need to set up some sort of storage in order to save study participant data. Our intention is that those who create the study have full control over the data that is generated by participants -- no data is ever linked back to the reVISit repository or those who have contributed to its creation. See the Deployment section for more information about deploying your study to once the connection to Firebase has been set up.
🗃️ Authentication and Authorization
2 items
📄️ Deploying To a Static Website
Deploying your study should be relatively simple. We include a GitHub action that will build your study and deploy it to GitHub pages. The only item that the user must adjust is in the .env file in the root of the repository. At the top of this file, you should see VITEBASEPATH="/study/". Change "/study/" to "//".
📄️ Prolific Integration
Prolific is a popular platform for recruiting crowd-sourced participants. ReVISit has built-in integration to make it easy to run studies on prolific.