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Version: v2.1.0


Here you'll find several examples for designing full studies using reVISitPy. Each of the examples takes advantage of the revisitpy_server and a Jupyter notebook environment. While neither of these are necessary to create complex configuration files, they are the quickest ways to get started with reVISitPy and the best way to create a closed-feedback loop for quick iterations of your study design.

Using The Examples Repository

If you're looking for a more hands-on approach to working with these examples, you can find each of these examples in the reVISitPy examples repository. We suggest using uv with this repository since it is the simplest way to get started.

Once you have uv installed and the repository successfully cloned, navigate to the repository and run the following:

uv sync

This will initialize a virtual environment with all of the necessary packages for the repository (including revisitpy and revisitpy_server). Then, when running any of the examples, you just need to choose the ipykernel associated with your virtual environment (by default, this is the .venv directory).