Getting Started
If you'd like to get started right out of the gates with a small tutorial, you can begin in the installation section and then move on to the tutorial where you'll create a simple questionnaire. If you'd rather read more about the inner workings of reVISit — specifically how the studies in reVISit are created, designed, and maintained — you can visit the How Does It Work section first.
📄️ How Does It Work?
To create a study with reVISit, you have to create components that contain the content of your study, and you have to create the study configuration (the reVISit Spec) that controls when and how these components are shown to participants. Here, we will introduce these at a high level and link to the detailed documentation where appropriate.
📄️ Installation
The reVISit project is open-source – meaning anyone can see the entire codebase. Most of the work that is done to create a new study is done by making changes to this codebase. Because of this, we will start by “forking the repository”.
📄️ Setting Up Your First Study
📄️ Collecting Data Locally
Now that we have a working study, we'll look at how we can start collecting data.