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Version: v2.1.0


Defined in: store/types.ts:70

The StoredAnswer object is a data structure describing the participants interaction with an individual component. It is the data structure used as values of the answers object of ParticipantData. The general structure for this is below:

"answer": {
"barChart": [
"startTime": 1711641174858,
"endTime": 1711641178836,
"windowEvents": [

The answer object here uses the "id" in the Response list of the component in your StudyConfiguration as its keys. It then contains a list of the answers given. You are also given a start and end time for the participants interaction with the component. Lastly, a set of windowEvents is given. Below is an example of the windowEvents list.

Each item in the window event is given a time, a position an event name, and some extra information for the event (for mouse events, this is the location).


PropertyTypeDescriptionDefined in
answerRecord<string, string | number | boolean | string[]>Object whose keys are the "id"s in the Response list of the component in the StudyConfig and whose value is the inputted value from the
correctAnswerAnswer[]The correct answer for the
endTimenumberTime that the user ended interaction with the component in epoch
helpButtonClickedCountnumberA counter indicating how many times participants opened the help tab during a task. Clicking help, or accessing the tab via answer feedback on an incorrect answer both are included in the
incorrectAnswersRecord<string, { id: string; value: unknown[]; }>Object whose keys are the "id"s in the Response list of the component in the StudyConfig and whose value is a list of incorrect inputted values from the participant. Only relevant for trials with provideFeedback and correct answers
parametersRecord<string, any>The parameters that were passed to the
provenanceGraphRecord<ResponseBlockLocation, undefined | TrrackedProvenance>The entire provenance graph exported from a Trrack instance from a React component. This will only be present if you are using React components and you're utilizing Trrackstore/types.ts:84
startTimenumberTime that the user began interacting with the component in epoch
timedOutbooleanA boolean value that indicates whether the participant timed out on this
trialOrderstringThe order of the trial in the
windowEventsEventType[]A list containing the time (in epoch milliseconds), the action (focus, input, kepress, mousedown, mouseup, mousemove, resize, scroll or visibility), and then either a coordinate pertaining to where the event took place on the screen or string related to such event. Below is an example of the windowEvents list. "windowEvents": [ [ 1711641174878, "mousedown", [ 1843, 286 ] ], [ 1711641174878, "focus", "BUTTON" ], [ 1711641174935, "mouseup", [ 1843, 286 ] ], . . . [ 1711641178706, "mousemove", [ 1868, 728 ] ] ]store/types.ts:114