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Version: v2.0.2


Defined in: parser/types.ts:776

The VegaComponentPath interface is used to define the properties of a Vega Component. This component is used to render a Vega/Vega-Lite Component with path pointing to your Vega/Vega-Lite specs file.

For example, to render a vega based stimuli with a path of <study-name>/assets/vega.spec.json, you would use the following snippet:

"type": "vega",
"path": "<study-name>/assets/vega.spec.json",

If you are using Vega, you can use signals with revisitAnswer to send the user's responses back to the reVISit. For example, you can use the following snippet in your Vega spec file's signals section:

"signals": [
"name": "revisitAnswer",
"value": {},
"on": [
"events": "rect:click",
"update": "{responseId: 'vegaDemoResponse1', response: datum.category}"
In this example, when a user clicks on a rectangle in the Vega chart, the `revisitAnswer` signal is updated with the responseId and response. This signal is then passed to reVISit as the participant's response.



PropertyTypeDescriptionInherited fromDefined in
allowFailedTraining?booleanControls whether the component should allow failed training. If not provided, the default is true.BaseIndividualComponent.allowFailedTrainingparser/types.ts:552
correctAnswer?Answer[]The correct answer to the component. This is used for training trials where the user is shown the correct answer after a guess.BaseIndividualComponent.correctAnswerparser/types.ts:546
description?stringThe description of the component. This is used to identify and provide additional information for the component in the admin panel.BaseIndividualComponent.descriptionparser/types.ts:556
instruction?stringThe instruction of the component. This is used to identify and provide additional information for the component in the admin panel.BaseIndividualComponent.instructionparser/types.ts:558
instructionLocation?"sidebar" | "aboveStimulus" | "belowStimulus"The location of the instructions.BaseIndividualComponent.instructionLocationparser/types.ts:544
meta?Record<string, unknown>The meta data for the component. This is used to identify and provide additional information for the component in the admin panel.BaseIndividualComponent.metaparser/types.ts:554
nextButtonDisableTime?numberA timeout (in ms) after which the next button will be disabled.BaseIndividualComponent.nextButtonDisableTimeparser/types.ts:562
nextButtonEnableTime?numberA timer (in ms) after which the next button will be enabled.BaseIndividualComponent.nextButtonEnableTimeparser/types.ts:564
nextButtonLocation?"sidebar" | "aboveStimulus" | "belowStimulus"The location of the next button.BaseIndividualComponent.nextButtonLocationparser/types.ts:542
nextButtonText?stringThe text that is displayed on the next button.BaseIndividualComponent.nextButtonTextparser/types.ts:540
pathstringThe path to the vega file. This should be a relative path from the public folder.-parser/types.ts:779
provideFeedback?booleanControls whether the component should provide feedback to the participant, such as in a training trial. If not provided, the default is false.BaseIndividualComponent.provideFeedbackparser/types.ts:548
recordAudio?booleanWhether or not to record audio for a component. Only relevant if recordStudyAudio in the uiConfig is true. Defaults to false.BaseIndividualComponent.recordAudioparser/types.ts:560
responseResponse[]The responses to the componentBaseIndividualComponent.responseparser/types.ts:536
responseDividers?booleanWhether to show the response dividers. Defaults to false.BaseIndividualComponent.responseDividersparser/types.ts:566
trainingAttempts?numberThe number of training attempts allowed for the component. The next button will be disabled until either the correct answer is given or the number of attempts is reached. When the number of attempts is reached, if the answer is incorrect still, the correct value will be shown to the participant. The default value is 2. Providing a value of -1 will allow infinite attempts and the participant must enter the correct answer to continue, and reVISit will not show the correct answer to the user.BaseIndividualComponent.trainingAttemptsparser/types.ts:550