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Version: v2.1.0


Defined in: parser/types.ts:503

The ButtonsResponse interface is used to define the properties of a buttons response. ButtonsResponses render as a list of buttons that the participant can click. When a button is clicked, the value of the button is stored in the data file. Participants can cycle through the options using the arrow keys.


"id": "buttonsResponse",
"type": "buttons",
"prompt": "Click a button",
"location": "belowStimulus",
"options": [
"Option 1",
"Option 2",
"Option 3"

In this example, the participant can click one of the buttons labeled "Option 1", "Option 2", or "Option 3".



PropertyTypeDescriptionInherited fromDefined in
hidden?booleanControls whether the response is hidden.BaseResponse.hiddenparser/types.ts:177
idstringThe id of the response. This is used to identify the response in the data file.BaseResponse.idparser/types.ts:161
location?ConfigResponseBlockLocationControls the response location. These might be the same for all responses, or differ across responses. Defaults to belowStimulusBaseResponse.locationparser/types.ts:169
options(string | StringOption)[]--parser/types.ts:505
paramCapture?stringUse to capture querystring parameters in answers such as participant_name. See the examples for how this is used, but prefer uiConfig.urlParticipantIdParam if you are capturing a participant ID.BaseResponse.paramCaptureparser/types.ts:175
promptstringThe prompt that is displayed to the participant. You can use markdown here to render images, links, etc.BaseResponse.promptparser/types.ts:163
required?booleanControls whether the response is required to be answered. Defaults to true.BaseResponse.requiredparser/types.ts:167
requiredLabel?stringYou can provide a required label, which makes it so a participant has to answer with a response that matches label.BaseResponse.requiredLabelparser/types.ts:173
requiredValue?unknownYou can provide a required value, which makes it so a participant has to answer with that value.BaseResponse.requiredValueparser/types.ts:171
secondaryText?stringThe secondary text that is displayed to the participant under the prompt. This does not accept markdown.BaseResponse.secondaryTextparser/types.ts:165
withDivider?booleanRenders the response with a trailing divider.BaseResponse.withDividerparser/types.ts:179
withDontKnow?booleanRenders the response with an option for "I don't know". This counts as a completed answer for the validation.BaseResponse.withDontKnowparser/types.ts:181